showing 37 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagslanguage
Carrier Command Rainbird1989 3disk archipelago automatedwar beamweapons commercial damagemodeling energyweapons fpsrts future healthregen island joystick keyboard license-proprietary robots rockets warship watercraft enlabelimageminimize
Jara-Tava: The Isle of Fire  Satchel Software Australia (Satchel Software)1989 commercial interactivefiction keyboard license-proprietary wordinput labelminimizeminimize
Psycho City Players1989 cassette city city-newyork-ny commercial finiteammo firearms flipscreens handguns joystick keyboard lawenforcerprotagonist license-proprietary lives moneybags newyorkstate onomatopoeia score walking enlabelimageminimize
Snoball in Hell Atlantis Software (Mind's Eye)1989 breakoutlike cassette commercial hybridgame instantdeath joystick keyboard license-proprietary lives score enlabelimageminimize
Havoc Players1990 commercial helicopter helicopters license-proprietary lives score scrollingshooter tanks enlabelimageminimize
Hong Kong Phooey: No.1 Super Guy Hi-Tec Software (PAL Developments)1990 anthroprotagonist canidaeprotagonist cassette commercial directionalforce-movingsurface hannabarbera joystick keyboard license-proprietary movingplatforms score enlabelimageminimize
P47 Thunderbolt  Firebird (Source)1990 3disk aerodyne aeroplane aircraft-p47-thunderbolt bossbattles cassette commercial joystick keyboard license-proprietary lives powerups propellerplane score scrollingshooter strikeaircraft worldwar worldwar2 enlabelimageminimize
Quick Draw McGraw Hi-Tec Software (Twilight)1990 aiming anthroprotagonist cartoon commercial earth firearms hannabarbera indoors jumping license-proprietary multisequence noncombpenalty outdoors runandgun score train walking enlabelimageminimize
Fireman Sam - The Hero Next Door  Alternative Software1991 commercial driving earth firefighters flipscreens landvehicle license-proprietary multisequence naturalistic truck tvseries wales wheeledvehicle enlabelimageminimize
Fun School 4: for 7 to 11 year olds  Europress Software (ISC)1992 commercial keyboard license-proprietary en, frlabelminimizeminimize
Grell and Fella  Codemasters (The Big Red Software Company)1992 cassette commercial keyboard license-proprietary labelminimizeminimize
Playdays Alternative Software1992 3.5disk commercial license-proprietary labelminimizeminimize